
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

How to Start Video Blogging?

by: Kanicen Nichathavan
Videoblogging is the next generation of posting ideas and products over the internet. Everybody knows about textblogging. Now they use videos for a better way of expression. This form of communication may entail a lot of resources, but it is all worth it. If pictures say a thousand words, videoblogging exceeds that by far.

A videoblog requires larger disk spaces on websites, a faster server, and a whole new set of programs to support it. Videoblogs can be fed through RSS. This is technology of syndicating your website to other RSS aggregators.

Videoblogging works with people on the internet expressing their selves. Now if you put this on a business prospective, you are up to a lot of benefits. Think of it as a powerful tool in making showing your prospective customers your line of products or your services. It’s just like showing a commercial all for free. And if you videoblog through RSS, then most probably you are getting your target market.

People like to see what they are going to buy. Some would like to see proof and be sure that they are getting their money’s worth before shelving their dimes on it. All of us know the influence of a thirty second commercial. The effect of videoblogging is similar to that. You show your product, people watch it. If they like it, they buy it. If you present it good enough, they’ll buy the product even if they don’t need it.

Now on the web, things are pretty much static, unlike in television in which all are moving. If you post something that is mobile, it would most likely catch attention. Now imaging your product parading in all it’s royalty through videoblog. You’ll get phone call orders in no time.

If your business is just starting up, you can create a videoblog right at your own home. All you need is your web camera, microphone, video software, and lights. For as long as you know how to use your camera, then you can create a videoblog.

Invest in a good web camera. The higher its resolution is the better the output. And you like to present your goods in the optimum way so get the best one possible. Make a short story, or just capture your goods in one go. Just make sure you are getting the best profile for each. Get those creativity juices flowing.

Lights are important in a production. Make sure you illuminate entirely the area you are going to use to create videoblog. The brighter the area, the crispier the images will be. You can also use lighting effects for added appeal to the presentation.

Should you require sounds for your videoblog, you need a microphone. Record you voice as a voice over for promoting the product and its benefit to consumers. Sounds are as important as videos on a videoblog. It is advisable to make your sound effects as enticing as the video.

Your video editing software can be any program. You need this to finalize your work. You can add sounds, delete some bad angles, or insert some still pictures in there too. Some programs are user-friendly and can be used even with zero knowledge on video editing. Even simple video editing programs should do the trick. Select your background carefully too. The light affects the presentation so make sure that the background and the light complements each other.

Videoblogging is a great tool but it also has it downside. It may slow down the computer so other may steer clear of it. Download time may also be time consuming especially if customer is still on a dial- up connection.

But don’t let those stop you. Let videoblogging be an alternative for you, though it is best to still keep the text and pictures present in your presentation to accommodate all possible viewers of your site.

Nowadays, the more creative you are in presenting your product to the market, they more you are likely to succeed. Videoblogging offers an interactive way of selling. You involve the customers. You instill in them the advantage of your goods. And at times, those are enough to make a sale.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Search Engine Optimisation

Building a great internet site is a wonderful achievement। But it could also be a complete waste of your time and money unless potential clients can find it. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is one way to ensure your site is seen in the most crowded marketplace ever conceived.
To understand Search Engine Optimisation you must first consider how people actually look for – and eventually find - products and services on the web.

Research shows that more than 80 per cent of the world’s 290 million internet users (10 million of them in Australia) use search engines to find what they’re after.
There are many search engines available to consumers – the better known include Google and Yahoo! – but in general they all work the same way. Typically a person will enter a keyword or phrase into the search engine and immediately receive a list of recommended web pages.

Internet users are impatient, which means they seldom scan though more than a page or two of search results, and generally only access sites listed at the top of the page. If you want to be seen, your site must not only appear on a list of search results, it must rank towards the very top.
Open a search engine and type in a word or phrase someone searching for your company might use – if you fail to appear in a prominent position, chances are your site has not been search engine optimised। Without optimisation, your site is about as effective as an advertisement floating in the middle of the ocean।


Search engines regularly dispatch ‘spiders’ or ‘robots’ (aka bots) to collect information on websites. Using an algorithm – a set of complex formulas or rules – the search engine evaluates each website’s relevance and then ranks it accordingly.
These algorithms are unique to each search engine, they are highly secret and they change all the time। But in general they all obey a basic set of rules. That means it is possible improve your chances of a better ranking by ensuring your website has the most appropriate content, and that the content is structured in a search engine-friendly way – this process is known as Search Engine Optimisation.

Search Engine Optimisation is not an exact science। It requires trial and error, and there is never a guarantee of success. But without Search Engine Optimisation your website is almost guaranteed of not being seen.
Of course there are other ways of reaching potential clients। You could, for example, spend money to advertise on a search engine, and only have your advertisement appear when people search for particular keywords. That is valid way to increase your chances of reaching customers. But studies have shown people using the internet tend to trust and visit the free listings more than paid listings.

First you need to find out if your site is actually being indexed by a search engine.
Open a search engine and type your company name in the search box. If you appear in the results it means that spiders or robots have located your site. They will place the site into a memory bank, and visit it from time to time to update their information.
If your site it not listed you could consider submitting your site to search engines. This will not guarantee that they will list you, but it won’t hurt to try. A word of advice - do not submit your site multiple times as this will only annoy the search engine people, and you need to be on their good side.

Some search engines will not accept submissions – they prefer to find your site themselves। And some simply draw their inforOnce you are confident your site is being indexed, you need to identify keywords – these are the terms a potential visitor might enter into a search engine when looking for your product, service or company. mation from other search engines (a disclaimer should alert you to this practice), which makes it pointless submitting your site to them.

Finding the right keywords is a pivotal component of Search Engine Optimisation। There are applications that allow you to test each word by showing how popular it is and how often it is used – the result might surprise you.

A good way to find keywords is to visit a competitor’s website and see what it has listed. To do this, open their site and click on ‘view source’ - a heap of what looks like gibberish will come up, but find a line which says

PC Running so Slow

Question: Why is my computer running so slow? Do computers slow down when they get older?

Answer: No, but here are some of the most common reasons a computer slows down.

Background programs running:

This is the biggest reason and can be fixed quickly and for free... it's possible that your computer may have so many background programs running simultaneously that there is not enough resources to run normally.

The end result of this is that your computer begins to run more and more slowly over time as you add other programs.

There are two remedies, get Anti-Spyware and use the feature which allows you to view running programs and to disable any of those running programs. Or, if you like to get into your system with your bare hands, use the remedy below.

How to disable unneeded background programs:

All icons in your computer's system tray are background programs using memory। There are more, but you will get a hint from that system tray. To see and exit all running background programs:

Windows XP through 2003 Server

a. Press the Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys at the same time.
b. Choose 'Task Manager' tab to view and end any running programs.
c. disabling these programs will require that you change their startup properties in the 'Administrative Tools' area of your system. The Windows Help menu will walk you though that process if you search 'disable programs' in your help section.


Many kinds of software add themselves to your system start menu without even asking your permission. Sometimes you will click on a link or visit a hacker website that installs spyware on your computer without you knowing. Click here for the best fix. and its free to try.

Fragmented hard drive:

This results from programs being loaded and deleted. Run the Window's hard drive defragmenter (Defrag) once a month. It is under your System Tools menu. Your computer's help menu will tell you how to do it.

Other problems: (Possible, but unlikely to cause problems)

You could have old or conflicting Windows device drivers. An example would be you might actually have two entirely different video drivers on your system and Windows could actually be alternately using both of them.

To prevent this problem, First boot the computer in Safe Mode by pressing and holding the F8 key during startup, after the DOS memory check has completed.

While in Safe Mode select Start/Settings/Control Panel/System/Devices. Click on all the devices and see if the various drivers have any yellow or red exclamation marks (which indicates a driver conflict) and also determine if there are any duplicate drivers that can be eliminated.

You may have to delete and reload a driver to correct these problems. Duplicate drivers can and should be deleted.

As each new Windows program is installed and uninstalled, it leaves behind parts of itself that can slow down or crash your computer. These are mostly .dlls and other shared files.

It's also very possible when uninstalling a program that needed Windows system files can be deleted. When your computer asks if you want to uninstall shared files it's usually safest to say no -- even if your uninstall program claims the files are not being used.

Old Windows drivers can be found by booting into Safe Mode, then opening Control Panel/System/Devices and ridding your system of old drivers.

Otherwise, the only real answer to this problem is to pick up ERROR DOCTOR or just reload Windows into a new directory which eliminates all old junk and leftover files. Reloading Windows is something to do last, as you will also have to reload all your Windows settings, drivers, and programs.

You could be lacking system memory - The only time this may be a problem is if you have an older system and upgraded your operating system without adding some more memory. You should probably upgrade to 256 or 512MB or more of system memory, while it isn't free, it isn't very expensive like it was at one time. Check out Tiger Direct to find great deals on memory upgrades.

Back Up Data

Businesses require both security and data backup to run efficently and productively. Many business owners want to save money and scrimp on data backup protection then get stuck with lost data and valuable time. Here's a case in point that happened within the last two weeks before the holidays last year.

I’ll simply call them client A. Client A runs a business that survives on shipping their product out through UPS. When we first met back in the early spring it was to fix the shipping computer. He had installed an anti-virus program and it wiped out his e-mail in box.

This is a known bug with MaCAFEE anti-virus and it was a matter of a simple file recovery. In the process of fixing that problem we found other problems and the system was acting very un-stable and nothing was backed up. At that point and several others through the year I tried to encourage him to back up his important records.

Well guess what, he never did and a week before the holiday it crashed. Suddenly he couldn’t access UPS, couldn’t access his mailing lists and postage. Essentially he was out of business with a warehouse full of employees sitting around. Now he is losing thousands of dollars a day because he was trying to save a few hundred and put off getting a back-up device, the business owner went into shear panic and called us.

Now just as suddenly he tried to put the responsibility of saving his business on us, if we couldn’t recover his data he was out of business. I wouldn’t accept that responsibility. We will do our very best, we will do everything possible to fix the situation but if the data was lost it was his fault for not backing it up. People, things happen, so if it is the least bit important … BACK IT UP.

Fortunately, we were able to save about 90% of his data and get him running but it took 3 days and cost him thousands. Did he get a back-up device, not yet. This is the one single problem we run into and it comes in many forms. "My inbox became corrupted and all my e-mails are gone, can you recover them"? Were they backed up, no. Address books, family photos, your accounting records, what ever it may be, if it is the least bit important, BACK IT UP. If you are a business and your data is mission critical, BACK IT UP.

If it is a bad crash and we have to send it out for professional data recovery, I've seen bills as high as $12 thousand dollars. Data recovery can become expensive, not to mention the down time involved. So make sure to purchase a backup device that automatically backs up your important data every day. If you need data recovery, visit Computer Guys Live online for affordable recovery services.

Brute Force Attack!

A last resort is to try every possible password, known as a brute force attack. In theory, a brute force attack will always be successful since the rules for acceptable passwords must be publicly known, but as the number of possible passwords increases very rapidly as the length of the password increases, this method is unlikely to be practical unless the password is relatively small. But, how small is too small? A common current length recommendation is 8 or more randomly chosen characters combining letters, numbers, and special (punctuation, etc) characters. Systems which limit passwords to numeric characters only, or upper case only, or, generally, which exclude possible password character choices make such attacks easier. Using longer passwords in such cases (if possible on a particular system) can compensate for a limited allowable character set. and, of course, even with an adequate range of character choice, users who ignore that range (using only upper case alphabetic characters, or digits alone, for instance) make brute force attacks much easier against those password choices.

Generic brute-force search techniques can be used to speed up the computation. But the real threat may be likely to be from smart brute-force techniques that exploit knowledge about how people tend to choose passwords. NIST SP 800-63 (2) provides further discussion of password quality, and suggests, for example, that an 8 character user-chosen password may provide somewhere between 18 and 30 bits of entropy, depending on how it is chosen. Note: This number is very far less than what is generally considered to be safe for an encryption key.

How small is too small thus depends partly on an attacker's ingenuity and resources (e.g., available time, computing power, etc.), the latter of which will increase as computers get faster. Most commonly used hashes can be implemented using specialized hardware, allowing faster attacks. Large numbers of computers can be harnessed in parallel, each trying a separate portion of the search space. Unused overnight and weekend time on office computers can also be used for this purpose.

The distinction between guessing, dictionary and brute force attacks is not strict. They are similar in that an attacker goes through a list of candidate passwords one by one; the list may be explicitly enumerated or implicitly defined, may or may not incorporate knowledge about the victim, and may or may not be linguistically derived. Each of the three approaches, particularly 'dictionary attack', is frequently used as an umbrella term to denote all the three attacks and the spectrum of attacks encompassed by them.

PC Freeze or Hang-Up

You are in the middle of doing your work, suddenly you realized your computer hang up. But the problem is, you have not saved your work! Don’t panic! There is a solution for that! And you can surely save your file! Here’s how:

1. Click on “ctrl-alt-delete” keys. The windows task manager will then open, click on all programs that you don’t need and end the task. You will see that all programs on your taskbar will close one by one. If this will resolve the issue! – then save! (tip# 1: if you’re working on an MS Office application, it will automatically save your file incase the programs suddenly shut down --- tip# 2: always save your file at least every 2 minutes by just simply clicking on the “diskette icon”--- its just one click!)

2. If it did not resolve the issue, are there some users logged on that computer? If so, go to switch user (for XP) and log off that user, go back to your log on screen and log on again.

The reason the computer hang up is because if there are many open programs and applications, these retains in the memory, if it is too much for the memory to handle, it freezes! Another reason too the computer hang up is because if you are connected to the internet via dial up, and you are running too many applications and opening many websites. So I suggest, if you are multimedia user or a heavy internet user, then you are better off with a higher memory, at least 512Mb of memory.

There are simple ways to avoid computer to freeze or hang up:

3. Clean your history at least once a week >tools>internet options>clear history. I normally set my history to “0”, meaning, when I restart my computer, it doesn’t save history pages that I have visited

4. Delete all internet temporary files >tools>internet options>delete files (do the “offline” content too!)

5. Delete cookies (some do not do this, but I do delete cookies at least once a week!) >tools>internet options>delete cookies

6. Remove unnecessary programs that you no longer use, they are just occupying space and memory! >control panel>add/remove programs

7. Do defragmentation at least once a week >point the mouse to “start” button, then right click “explore”>right click the mouse pointing to drive C (which is usually the main system logical drive) >properties>tools>defragment now

8. You can also check the logical drive’s volume for errors >point the mouse to “start” button, then right click “explore”>right click the mouse pointing to drive C (I repeat, is usually the main system logical drive) >properties>tools>check now

9. It is better to have only one user being logged on. Even if there are many users, make sure the user logs off after using the computer, rather than keeping it logged on and you do the switching of users. Switching users is good as long as you don’t keep all users logged on—I think that is more logical

10. Always shut down properly the computer (do NOT use the power button when turning it off!)

Adsense Websites

Are you ready to start making some serious cash? Sick and tired of trying online businesses that seem destined to fail from the start? Then it's time to look at setting up your own Adsense websites for profit. Many people fail to realize that making money online is very simple if they know where to look. It is very true that the money seems to trickle down on the internet in terms of commerce, and this is especially true when discussing Adsense websites. Think about how many investors have poured money into Google, and then picture how many millions of people advertise with Google each day. The numbers are mind boggling, and that is why Adsense websites can afford to pay you a ton of cash if you know how to set up your sites for profit. There is literally an endless amount of money to be made with Adsense websites for the person that takes the time to learn about the trade, and utilizes the tools and tips needed to bring home big profits from Adsense websites. Without a doubt the most consistent way to make money online today is through affiliate marketing. Adsense websites provide you with an easy way to get involved with the Internet's top affiliate, Google's Adsense.

Simply setting up a website, and putting the Adsense websites to work for you won't cut it, and certainly will not make you rich. The key to Adsense websites is the keyword placement, and the building of content and quality. In order to fully realize what is in this secret recipe one must first understand how Adsense websites really work. Advertisers typically pay Google to put their ads in areas where customers might be searching for them. Then, the advertisers pay more money to have the customers click them. When the Adsense websites are set up for ease of use for a customer, chances are they will get a click. Each time an Adsense website ad gets a click, you will receive a payment for that click, typically a few cents to a dollar per click. This is how Adsense websites work, and how thousands of people have been making a small fortune for years off of Google.

One product that works well is adsensegold, a unique e-book that explains how Adsense websites can make you a lot of money. The one time fee of less than $100 accounts for all that one needs to start making money with Adsense websites, and is a great way to get a solid body of knowledge on what works with Adsense websites, and what doesn't. Further adsensegold is owned and operated by an Adsense guru that has made a fortune using the same techniques.

Also there is a site adsensepowerpack that provides a large amount of Adsense websites for you to use for your profit. Since the websites are unique and custom made, one can utilize them to make major cash from Adsense websites each and every day.

Whatever the product, it is important to look at unbiased customer reviews of the products before purchasing them. With Adsense websites, it is necessary to check out a site like Review Place where customers chime in about the quality of a product, and its overall ease of use. When visiting Review Place users can get information about the price, and quality of many Adsense websites, and related products.

Making money with Adsense websites can be an easy task if you follow the road carefully and look for the best deals possible. It is not always necessary to purchase a product to make money with Adsense websites, but it can greatly help increase your chances for success.

PC or Mac?

When purchasing new desktop or laptop computers for your business, there are a few important decisions to be made. These include which exact features you want in a computer, as well as which manufacturer you wish to purchase from. The most fundamental decision of all, however, is whether your business should use a Windows-based PC, or a Macintosh.

The primary benefit of buying a Windows PC is the mainstream worldwide popularity of the Microsoft Windows operating system. For well over a decade now, these computers have been top-of-the-line in terms of software compatibility, with most application developers thinking about Windows first and Mac second. That’s why, generally speaking, you’ll find a lot more business-minded programs that work with PCs than with Macintosh machines.

In terms of speed and performance, however, Macs do have some definite advantages. In terms of graphical editing, video, and multimedia, for example, Apple’s Mac OS computers are known to perform extremely well, often making more efficient use of memory and processing power. Macintoshes do have quite a number of profound strengths, but it’s their low market share (about 10%) that can render them a less-than-perfect solution for those seeking flawless compatibility with mainstream business software.

Overall, the decision of Mac or PC rests solely on what functions you value most. It’s a good idea to look at numerous models of both types to determine which machine is best for your company’s unique purposes.

Internet Marketing

If you're new to internet marketing, it can be quite confusing and overwhelming. You've decided on an idea, done your research and determined that there is a market for your idea, developed a web site and now you're ready to take the plunge into the world of internet marketing.

Internet marketing isn't as complicated as it might seem -- there's no particular mystery to it. You just have to know where to start and what proper steps to take to help get your site seen on the web and ranked by the search engines. The first step in your internet marketing plan is to write a press release announcing your new site and pointing out the benefits and features of it that makes it useful to the public. It doesn't have to be long -- about 300 words or so -- but it does have to sound newsworthy. One thing you should keep in mind is to be sure you have your relevant keywords in the title, subtitle and liberally sprinkled throughout the text. Also, you'll want to write it from a third person point of view and make sure it doesn't sound like an advertisement. Also, keep it “mundane”, i.e., something suitable for a general audience.

The next step in advancing your internet marketing goals should be to write an article and submit it for online publishing. Again, it doesn't have to be long (about 500 to 800 words). Again, you'll want to have the right keywords in the title and spread throughout the text. For example, this piece has the term “internet marketing” in the title and interspersed in the body of the text as this is what it is being optimized for. A good place to submit your articles is For a monthly subscription, they'll submit your editorials for you to top sites, thereby giving you great exposure. We've used their services ourselves and found it to be superb. Both the press release and writing articles are two important steps on the road to internet marketing success.

The next stop on the internet marketing highway is to generate some free traffic to your site. Two ways to accomplish this are to post on forums that are relevant to your subject matter (with your URL in your signature line) and getting listed in directories in the appropriate categories. The press release and the article(s) should help to generate a lot of free traffic via the backlinks pointing to your site as they are published and distributed, but hey, the more traffic, the better! Beware of internet marketing services claiming to list your site in a ton of directories -- most aren't worth the money. Also beware of internet marketing companies claiming they can get you high placement on the search engines. We tried this and it didn't work. You may come across yet other internet marketing companies saying they can send targeted traffic to your site for a fee, of course. We tried this, too, and it didn't work either! We have yet to come across any internet marketing company promising this or that who can actually deliver what they say they can by way of placement or traffic.

Basically, what it boils down to is that your internet marketing success is mostly dependent on your own efforts and wisely choosing services and software that will genuinely help you achieve your internet marketing goals.